Tell Me

and I forget.

Teach me

and I remember.

Involve Me

and I learn.

Benjamin Franklin

Learning Design and Delivery Consultants

Learning is a tool to support staff through rapid change.  It’s one of the most critical change agents at our disposal.

– Jenny Graham, Zelus Founding Partner

We strongly believe in 3 things: Learning Engagement, Learning by Doing, and Learning should be Fun. We create our learning design and delivery content to raise the knowledge level and confidence of your staff.  We instill confidence by  “chunking” our learning. We begin with a facilitated discussion to introduce a topic immediately followed by an exercise, activity, or Case Study to apply the learning. The learning is progressive with one topic building on the next topic.

We enable learners to absorb and practice the subject allowing immediate adoption. And we build confidence along the way. If they believe they can do it, they will.

Our Learning Design strategy always starts with the end goal in mind. We take a deep dive with you to articulate what you are trying to achieve. Our creative team provides concepts, options, and recommendations for the build based on learning science, our notable experience, your learning objectives, your delivery timeframe, and your budget. Our teams have access to our library of content that allows us to fast-track development.


Digital Learning Capabilities


Includes digital courses and assessments for individual and class usage. We often use eLearning simulations of technology use cases to provide hands-on learner practice.


Uses short 3-10 minute learnings to meet a specific objective. Micro-learnings are available when needed to provide brief, specific knowledge at the learner’s convenience.

Self-Paced Learnings

Training Path containing multiple learnings available to learners at their speed with usage tracked for easy management review.

Learning Delivery


All of our learning design and delivery instructors love what they do. They are life-long learners whose passion is to help others learn. Engagement and applied learning are a foundation of their expertise.

Our instructors are:

  • Able to engage with your learners and provide an environment of learning
  • Able to assess and promote learner comprehension
  • Experts at learning and effectively delivering your content
  • Certified learning delivery experts



We have been conducting virtual learning delivery since 2004. Virtual training requires new skill sets. Delivery is much different. Mastery of the subject is still critical, but instructors must also navigate moving parts to create engagement by conducting group activities, sharing content, and leading learner practice using technology tools.

Our instructors:

  • Know virtual technology tools and how to troubleshoot technical issues
  • Embrace engaging all of their virtual learners early and often
  • Practice, practice, and practice to prepare seamless content delivery
  • Engage and assess learner comprehension by embracing technology tools: chat, raise hands, polls, whiteboards, and breakout rooms

Zelus embraces the use of a Producer for virtual classrooms to assist with classroom logistics and technology troubleshooting.

Training Strategy

As business process optimization and training experts, we work with you to deliver a Training Strategy that meets the needs of all roles in a project or implementation. We begin with your goals, and build a customized training strategy to meet them.

This can take many shapes and forms and includes the needs for each training:

  • Is the need long-term or short-term?
  • Will the training be reused over and over again?
  • Is the training just for awareness?
  • Or does it require complex skill development? Is there a progression to Mastery that may lend itself to certification?

Whatever the need, we will work with you to define the need and plan your Strategy.

Training Rollout

Planning, managing, and executing Training Rollouts are not for the faint of heart. Using our operational and project management capabilities, we plan and execute the logistics of training execution including:

  • Build and Manage the Project Plan
  • Provide Learning Design and Delivery Resources
  • Plan the Training Schedules for Class Types
  • Assign Learners to Classes
  • Manage Learner Attendance and Reschedule
  • Manage Instructor Absences
  • Plan for and Troubleshoot Technology Issues


Effective Training Model



Humans can only learn if they are interested and motivated to learn. We build and deliver content to maximize learning interaction. And encourage learning enjoyment and laughter by removing the stress and fear so the brain will remember and apply the learnings much more effectively.



We build the content based on what the learners need to know to perform the task or understand the topic. Using building blocks to encourage clarity and ease of understanding makes learning easy. Delivering the content with excitement and clarity draws the curiosity of the learners to drive adoption.



Humans learn by doing. We practice early and often and build the practice aligned to the progression of learning. We creatively build the activities and exercises to encourage learner interaction and reinforce understanding. We make it fun. And safe.



We assess whether each learner has learned what they need to do the job. We look for gaps and fill them.

Learning is a process. We build processes to emphasize and continue the learning. And review learning programs to find ways to improve.

Curious about the impact we’ve had?

Our success hinges on our customers’ success. Browse some of the highlights of our work in our Learning Design and Delivery Case Studies.


As the business environment continues to shift and adapt, we continuously transform our approaches, methodologies, and our own operation.

We share those insights directly with you in our Learning Hub.